How to Sing the Psalms! Conference

We are not simply to read psalms; we are to be immersed in them so that they profoundly shape how we relate to God.

Dr. Timothy Keller, The Songs of Jesus

The Psalter is the hymnbook of the church. For too long, the psalter has taken a far-secondary place in the worship of God’s people.

In this course, Paul Buckley and Brian Moats of The Theopolis Institute will explore the biblical, theological, and practical reasons for singing the Psalms. But more importantly, we will SING. We will sing A LOT. 

By teaching how singing the psalms is an essential part of our vocation as priests, kings, and prophets, this course will give us a solid theological foundation for making psalm singing a central part of the church’s life. 

In the face of mission, joy, righteousness, and despair, the psalms must be restored as the hymns of the church. Chrysostom, himself, testifies to us from the fourth century that it was decreed, and ordained by the primitive Church Fathers, that no day should pass without the public singing of the Psalms.

We become what we sing. This course will help the church sing her way through life as we learn to chant and roar the psalms.

About the Speakers

Paul Buckley directs music at Colleyville Presbyterian Church (PCA) in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. For Theopolis, he teaches psalm chant in the Fellows program and, with content manager Brian Moats, conducts regional psalm seminars. He is a former assistant religion editor for The Dallas Morning News and for thirteen years was the director of worship and music at Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Ocala, Florida. He is a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.

Brian Moats is a Bible teacher, photographer, and the content director at Theopolis Institute. He is also co-founder of Little Word, a publishing house for young Christians. Brian and his family are members of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, where he is a pastoral intern and deacon.

Sponsors and Partners


Registration is through Eventbrite. Ticket prices will go to support costs as well as future conferences.

  • Adults - $20
  • Youth - $10

Please reach out to us at if you have any questions!

Materials & Resources

This is a Theopolis Regional Course which means that some might be taking it in order to fulfill a program requirement at Theopolis Institute. For these, the below are Required and Recommended.

For all others, Paul Buckley and Brian Moats encourage us to avail ourselves of these resources as we have opportunity! Also, some of these materials will be available to borrow in the Edwards Library located within the Church Building.

Required Reading(If Taken For Credit)

The Psalms are the Manna of the Church.

John Donne

Required Listening(If Taken For Credit)

Recommended Listening

More Helpful Resources


Friday, November 10th
4:00 PMDoors Open
4:00 - 5:00 PMPre-Conference Discussion & Singing Workshop with Paul Buckley (Optional)
5:00 PMDinner Break
6:00 - 6:30 PMVespers (Conference Start)
6:30 - 8:45 PMBrian Moats & Paul Buckley: Evening Lecture, Discussion & Singing Workshop
Saturday, November 11th
8:00 AMDoors Open (Coffee Available)
8:30 AMMatins
9:00 - Noon Paul Buckley: Discussion and Singing Workshop
12:15 PMLunch Break
2:00 - 4:30 PMPaul Buckley: Discussion and Singing Workshop
5:00 - 5:45 PMBrian Moats: Evening Lecture
6:00 PMVespers (Closing)