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Pastor MikePastor Mike

Welcome to PCM!

Each Sunday, we meet for worship at 10:30 am.

The Lord, by His Word, calls us to worship. We sing hymns and psalms from the Trinity Psalter Hymnal. There is time set aside for the confession of our sins, the giving of our offerings, as well as for being strengthened through the Pastoral Prayer. So also, each Sunday, the Word of God is opened up, New and Old Testaments, and the Gospel is proclaimed from the text before us!

Every Sunday evening at 5:30 pm, except for the first Sunday of the month, we also have an evening service in which God's Word is used to bring us to a fuller understanding of our faith as expressed in the Confessions of our Church.

Finally, each first Sunday of the month, after the preaching of the Word in the morning service, we partake of the Supper which is given by Christ to His body, the Church!

If you would like to visit, we would be delighted to have you join us in worshiping our God!

~Pastor Mike Robison

9:00 a.m.Women’s Bible Study
Cancelled due to snow
3:30 p.m.KIDS' Club
8:30 a.m.Prayer Time
Prayer Room
9:00 a.m.Sunday School
10:30 a.m.Morning Worship
5:30 p.m.Evening Worship
7:00 a.m.Matins Service
9:00 a.m.Women’s Bible Study